All manuscript submissions to the journal should include:
- Cover page
- Manuscript title
- Authors’ full names with surnames underlined, academic degrees and affiliations
- Corresponding author’s name, telephone number, email address, and mailing address
- Length of manuscript in number of words
- Signed copyright form
- Manuscript
- Title page (with no author names)
- Structured abstract (maximum 250 words)
- Key words (5-7)
- Main body of the text (maximum 4,000 words, not including tables and figures). Suggested sections are as follows, although these may depend on the type of manuscript you are submitting:
- Introduction
- Methods (including study design, subjects and sampling, measurements, analysis, ethical issues)
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion (optional)
- Acknowledgments
- Conflicts of interest
- Authors’ contributions
- References (maximum 40, APA style)
- Tables and figures
- Table 1, demographic characteristics (almost all manuscripts, even with qualitative data, should have a table 1)
- Other tables and figures (if relevant; no more than 5 tables and figures in total)
If you choose, you may also include:
- Cover letter
- Supplemental materials
Manuscripts should adhere to these guidelines
- Manuscript is in Word version (MS Word)
- Times New Roman, 11-point font, double-line spacing
- Both American and British English are acceptable provided their use is consistent throughout the manuscript
- Fewer than 5 tables and figures
- All tables and figures should be referred to in the text
- Acronyms kept to a minimum and defined the first time they are used
- Use footnotes, not endnotes
- All tables and figures referred to in the text and can stand alone
- Use your own words and cite all references. Editors will check each manuscript for plagiarism.