The process of manuscript submission and peer review is as follows:

The lead author should register (for new author to the journal) to the journal and submits the manuscript.

After submitting your   manuscript, you will automatically  be notified by the system about receipt of your manuscript.

The manuscript will be reviewed by the editor to ensure that the manuscript adheres to the submission checklist. The editor will use plagiarism checker  software to check for exact language that has been borrowed from other sources. If the manuscript does not meet the checklist requirements, it will be returned to the lead author with a request to revise the manuscript so that it meets the requirements.

The quality of the manuscript will be checked by the editor, who may advance the manuscript for peer review or reject the manuscript based on any one of the following:

  • Manuscript is poorly focused or does not fit with journal objectives.
  • Manuscript is poorly written and unable to communicate key messages effectively.

If the manuscript is accepted for peer review, it will be sent to two qualified reviewers, together with a check list containing criteria and instructions for review. Peer reviewers are sent a blinded manuscript, without the cover page, so that they do not have author names. They are asked to return comments and edits to the editor within a set period of time (usually 2-4 weeks).

After the editor receives the peer reviews, there are four possible outcomes:

  • Total rejection–Reasons for total rejection may include but are not limited to: inadequate literature base, weak methodology, poor contribution to the existing body of knowledge, and poor analysis.
  • Conditional acceptance with major revisions –Depending on the level of revisions, it may need to be resubmitted as a new manuscript. This outcome may be due to a number of different factors, including those mentioned above.
  • Conditional acceptance with minor revisions –These papers will generally be accepted, provided the minor revisions are adhered to.
  • Accept without change –These manuscripts are accepted as they are, but this outcome is extremely rare.

In the case of conditional acceptance, the editor summarizes the review outcome and sends the reviewed manuscript to the lead author with a cover letter describing the decision made. The editor may choose to do a thorough review and edit of the manuscript, depending on the level of detailed edits provided by the reviewers. If only one peer review is received, the editor may choose to send the manuscript to another reviewer, although this is not required. The authors are encouraged to resubmit their manuscripts within a set period of time (usually 3 weeks), after responding to reviewer comments.

Upon re-submission of a conditionally accepted manuscript, the editor appraises the revised manuscript and decides to accept it or perform additional revisions. If accepted, the editor sends the revised manuscript to the next general meeting of the full Editorial Board for final scrutiny and deliberation.

For papers accepted or rejected by the Editorial Board, the editor informs the lead author of the outcome with a summary of main issues justifying the decision.

Authors whose papers have been accepted are informed and requested to pay the publication fee. After confirmation of payment will the paper be published.

The papers are published online (OPEN ACCESS) on the EAJAHME website and the authors are informed of how to access their publication online.